Erin Watt
WOW! I’m not sure how I’m going to function waiting for the next book.
Star light, star bright,
The first star I see tonight;
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have Twisted Palace tonight.
There’re cliffhangers and then THERE’RE CLIFFHANGERS! Broken Prince hit it out of the ballpark with that cliffhanger. Actually, the whole book was EXCELLENT. But that cliffhanger has set me on a crazed mind trip trying to figure out how these Royals are going handle what the future holds for them. Well done, Erin Watt, for ruining my summer. Now, I’m wishing for it to be Fall so we can get our questions answered.
Seekers of fast paced, angst-filled reading need not look any further because the mothership has landed and it contains everything you’re looking for in this series!Seriously, once you start reading this series you won’t want to stop. The writers did an excellent job of creating this world of rich, entitled teenagers. The build-up of angst and intensity of the story gave me all the FEELS!!!
“When did my life become such a soap opera?” ~Ella
I’m going to go out on a limb and blame my own mom for my love of these angsty books. Growing up we didn’t have a TV and as I got older and went to my friend’s house my mom always told me not to waste my time watching soap operas over there. It became like the forbidden fruit. Yum-Yum!! One friend, in particular, told me that if I came over on Mondays and Fridays I could keep up on what was happening on Days of Our Lives. That’s pretty much what I did. Next thing I knew I’m hooked on Bo Brady & Hope Williams love story. I was deep in with Days of Our Lives.
Even though those shows aren’t even remotely close to reality I found myself addicted to their craziness. The same holds true today when I read a book. I have 2 kids in private high school and I’ve heard some crazy stories from my teens. It’s no High School Musical for them. Not that they want it to be. *shudders* Everyone breaking out in song and dance during lunch time. No thanks! *runs and hides* The Royals high school is nothing like High School Musical either … it’s a tad spicier than the Disney version of high school. Okay, it’s a little more than just a tad…they are like polar opposites. Either way, I like reading about it but it makes me thankful I’m no longer a teenager.
Care Bears need not apply because these books are for fans of angst-filled teen drama!
HEED THE WARNING: “These Royals will ruin you…”
RELEASE DATE: July 25, 2016
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I’m waiting for the last one..i can’t stand the big cliff..
That’s smart.I’ve done that with some series too. I like to binge read. 🙂