Review: THE ROAD by Cormac McCarthy


Cormac McCarthy

The Road by Cormac McCarthy

I joined a real life book club for the first time and THE ROAD was our book to read. I had never heard of it but I learned it had won the Pulitzer Prize in 2007 and in 2009 the book was adapted into a movie.

I was pretty excited to know it had all these great accomplishments and we were going to read it. Unfortunately, for me, I was bored throughout the book. The story was one continuously long chapter that added to the feeling of dragging on. It was descriptively written which added to the essence of how bleak the world had become. While all that was well done it made me tired of reading about this world.

I know this book was written a few years before the tv show The Walking Dead had started but I kept waiting for zombies to jump out and attack the two characters (a young son and a dad). No, there aren’t any zombies in this book but it had that desperate how are we going to survive and keep the bad people away feel to it.

Even though I’m in the minority in my thoughts about this book there are many articles that call it a ‘masterpiece.’ Those who like worst case scenarios and survival type books should give this one a try. It’s set in a post-apocalyptic world with a boy and his dad relying on each other. Really it’s a love story between a parent and a child. How far would you go to protect your child if the apocalypse happened?


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