Currently, on Facebook there is a ‘tag‘ asking you to post 7 days of inspirational quotes. I’m not sure who originated this tag to give them credit.
I’m going to post all 7 days quotes I did on my FB page.
*The Marilyn Monroe image was taken from the internet. Too bad they didn’t spell “too” correctly.*
Kim also participated but she didn’t do all 7 days worth. She has been a little busy with work, life, and OH YEAH, getting ready for her debut novel to be released in a month!!! 🙂
We are tagging anyone who wants to spread some Facebook inspiration among their friends and family.
Here is how the TAG works on Facebook:
Day 1: X tagged me. I’m tagging X. Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to post an inspirational quote a day for 7 days, and tag a new person each day, also tag me so I can see!