Amy & I were challenged by Silvy @ Books Are My Life to do a 3 day quote challenge. Thank you for challenging us! I just happen to have a stockpile of favorite quotes.
- Thank the blogger who nominated you.
- Publish a quotes on 3 consecutive days on your blog. The quote can be one of your own, from a book, movie, or from anyone who inspires you.
- Nominate 3 more bloggers each day to carry on this endeavor.
My quote for day two:
“I remember that night fondly. And by fondly, I mean with bitter resentment toward all things alcoholic and with a penis.”
― Tara Sivec, Seduction & Snacks
― Tara Sivec, Seduction & Snacks
Whenever I need a good laugh, I refer to this book. This quote gets me every time.
My nominees for day two:
- Vrsha @ Peek At My Review
- Amy @ Once Upon A Book Blog
- Katy @ Slut Sistas