I’m complicated. Not broken or ruined or running from a past I can’t face. Just complicated.
I thought my life couldn’t get any more tangled in deceit and confusion. But I hadn’t met him. I hadn’t realized how far I could fall or what I’d have do to get free.
He has a secret.
I’ve never pretended to be good or deserving. I chase who I want, do what I want, act how I want.
I didn’t have time to lust after a woman I had no right to lust after. I told myself to shut up and stay hidden. But then she tried to run. I’d tasted what she could offer me and damned if I would let her go.
Secrets destroy them.
**Pepper Winters is known for her Dark Erotica. This book is more a Grey Romance. It isn’t fluffy, and still deals with darker subjects, but it isn’t brutal.**
Destroyed is a complicated love story between a man with a terrible past and a woman who holds his cure. A man who finds redemption in love and a woman who loses her heart and reason for living.
Death brings life, and destruction brings new beginnings.
First Time Ever Destroyed by Pepper Winters is ON SALE Limited Time Only Discounted from $3.99 to $0.99
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