The Last Good Knight Part IV

From Amazon.com:
An Original Sinners novella told in five parts.
Part IV: Fit to Be Tied
With her feelings for Lance warring with her recent encounter with Søren, Nora returns to Lance's bed and finds herself toying with the idea of…toying with him on a permanent basis. But after she gets a glimpse into his personal angst, Nora realizes she has the power to rescue this white knight….
Foxy's Review:
**4.5 stars**
Part IV has Lance’s bodyguard services no longer needed because the danger against Nora has been taken care of by Griffin. I got so excited when I saw Griffin’s name mentioned. He’s only mentioned but I’m still happy he was included in these 25 pages.
Nora is trying to help Lance solve a personal problem. In true Nora-fashion she is always willing to risk getting in trouble for the greater good.
“….will you get in trouble for this?”
“…yes, big trouble.”
Ms. Reisz does a great job leaving the reader intrigued enough to want to read the next book. The reader will be able to choose if they want to wait a week and read them back to back or read one each day it is released. Personally I spread them out so I could see how it was waiting for the next book. I actually enjoyed the suspense of waiting for the next one. Kind of like waiting for Christmas morning.
The Last Good Knight series is interconnected with The Original Sinners series. The Last Good Knight takes place 3 years prior to The Original Sinners. Warning, if you read The Last Good Knight prior to The Original Sinners spoilers will be revealed.
Timeline release dates:
{#1 TLGK} Scars and Stripes | May 6, 2014
{#2 TLGK} Sore Spots | May 7, 2014
{#3 TLGK} The Games Destiny Plays | May 8, 2014
{#4 TLGK} Fit to Be Tied | May 9, 2014
{#5 TLGK} The Last Good Night | May 10, 2014
**Complimentary copy courtesy of Harlequin via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**