I’m teaming up with Collector of Book Boyfriends and Of Pens & Pages to bring you another Book Tour – this time we’re focusing on biker books.
Join us in May for this Bikers Rally. May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month and we want to celebrate our favorite Motorcycle Romances by spotlighting them in May. As the weather warms up we see more bikers on the road, and now can be a good time to introduce readers to your favorite: Biker Romance book.
We’re looking for bloggers to participate in our #RideOrDie Bikers Rally tour.
Here’s what it takes to participate:
1) Pick your top 3 biker books.
2) Choose, at least, 3 possible posting dates (May 21st – June 1st) – If any date works enter – ANY.
3) Create a fun post! Your tour post should host a spotlight of sorts to introduce your biker book to the world. You can feature reviews, character profiles, pictures, top ten list, etc.
4) Host a giveaway of that book for your readers! (Optional)
NOTE: We’re having you pick your top 3 biker books so we can make sure to have different biker books featured on each blog stop for this tour.
Please fill out the form if you’d like to participate.
The form will close on Wednesday, May 2, 2018. We will announce the tour schedule on Friday, May 4, 2018.
We’re looking forward to meeting your favorite biker books. 🙂