Tone Deaf Angels #1

Angels have pretty cool jobs, right? Hang out, protect humans, deliver divine messages. What's hard about that? Plenty when you're an Earth angel, having to do all that an angel does while in human form.
Solace had it rough. She'd surrendered her memories and angelic abilities to a manipulative, slimy ex-lover, and without those she was basically lost on this planet. With only her two best friends supporting her, she was gradually getting it all back, but suddenly things were changing. Solace's abilities were needed, and there was no longer the luxury of time waiting for her to gradually regain what she'd lost. It all had to be restored. Now.
There was no guarantee she'd survive the process, and if she did, what kind of shape she'd be in, but Solace was a survivor. She was going to give it all she had, because that's what she did. Who knew that in regaining her memories, she'd find so much more than she lost?
Seeking Comfort by A.B. Brightstar
4 Stars
First of all, let me tell you that angels are not really my thing. I wasn’t sure about what to expect going into this story. I was a little fearful that, on merit of subject matter alone, I would not enjoy reading this.
So why did I read it? And how on earth did it manage to get 4 stars from me?
Plain and simple.
I read this because the author is really nice and I enjoy talking with her, so why wouldn’t I enjoy reading a book by her?
It rated 4 stars because, despite confusing me slightly in the beginning, it’s a good story.
The writing style and dialogue are easy flowing. The characters are likable and have a way of making you want to learn more.
Overall, this story is very sweet. Very thoughtful. The author manages to create some intrigue and romance in a story that is really quite unique. Turns out, my assumption about angel stories was a little off base here.
Granted, this book won’t be for everyone. Admittedly, the subject matter still isn’t my favorite. It’s a pretty specific niche. But if you regularly enjoy PNR, I would suggest giving this one a try.
Best news? It’s on sale! Right now, you can read it for FREE!