The Rule Breakers, #1

From Amazon.com:
1. Don’t sleep around.
2. Don’t kiss and tell.
3. Be nice.
4. Don’t text or call.
5. Don’t fall in love.
The rules were simple...until they weren't.
I have everything I ever thought I could want: a nice home, a job I love, two beautiful girls, and my husband, Gabe - my high school sweetheart who still rocks my world. If you ask anyone to describe me they would say, "Oh, Mirella? She's such a nice girl." And that’s true...until a mysterious, peculiar man and his beautiful wife enter our lives.
Weston and Bridget Hanson are no ordinary couple—they’re stunning, enigmatic, and sexy as hell. During the course of one unexpected evening, my ordinary world is turned upside down. How could it not be when Weston and Bridget propose the unthinkable? And when the unthinkable is so very tempting, giving in becomes inevitable.
It sounds so logical and simple. Just five rules and we can all have what we desire. But the heart doesn't follow rules, and now passion, jealousy, and confusion threaten to tear everything apart.
Two beautiful couples. Five simple rules. One hot mess.
Roya Carmen
”For me, it all started with a pink dress.”
A sexy pink dress leads to a night out for the married couple of Gabe & Mirella. Through a series of events they are situated with another married couple, Bridget & Weston, who are both elegant and sophisticated. The story is told through Mirella’s point of view. Her and Gabe have a solid relationship and have been together since they were teens. Their family consist of them and their two young daughters. They make a perfectly happy little family.
”Lust at first sight.”
Let’s call a spade a spade – these four had the hots for each other at first sight. The sexual attraction was high and not in the orgy type of way but instead in the “couple exchange” type of way. Bridget & Weston have an open marriage and have done a ‘couple exchange’ in past with 2 other couples.
”…big dirty secret.”
Well, to make this arrangement work – rules are created for the purpose of keeping everyone’s sanity.
1. Don’t sleep around. | 2. Don’t kiss and tell. | 3. Be nice. | 4. Don’t text or call. | 5. Don’t fall in love.
On paper it makes sense. Unfortunately, Mirella, isn’t good about keep rules and leaving their dirty secret SECRET. Her feelings for Weston leaves her an emotional wreck.
”This is about sex. Plain and simple.”
The Ground Rules has a lot of sex in it. At some points, I got a little bored with all the sex. *ssshhhh, I know I’m in the minority* I was intrigued with the premise of this story because in September I’ll be celebrating 20 years with my husband. I wanted to see how good-girl Mirella dealt with blurring the lines in her marriage.
‘The Ground Rules’ delivers a taboo story that will have you wanting the next book.
A trilogy
**Won this book on Agents of Romance. Thank you, Agents, for the book. **
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