Black Dagger Brotherhood

From Amazon.com:
Ever since the birth of his daughter, Nalla, Zsadist has been regressing further and further into the life he led before he met Bella, his beautiful shellan. He has been waking up in cold sweats due to nightmares from his past, hasn't made love to his wife, and won't hold his baby girl, for fear that he might hurt her. While Nalla's presence had consisted of only joy and excitement in first couple months of her life, now it seems to be driving the couple apart. Bella is afraid that she and Nalla just may need to leave her hellren.
But then Zsadist gets injured on a mission to fight the lessers and because he hasn't been feeding from Bella, almost loses his life. Could this near-death experience create the motivation to pull this couple back together? Or has the gap between them spanned too far for redemption?
Foxy's Review:
**4.5 Baby Daddy stars**
Read this just in time for Father’s Day(June 15, 2014). Z is a daddy now and not the most confident dad in the world. But as he faces his nightmares he becomes just what Nalla needs:‘…she needed him-and not just to protect her. She needed him to love her too.’
A quick book that helped get me back in the mood for BDB after my disappointment with Phury’s book.
To find out when The Shadows will be released and if there will be more books in the series click here.
90th book of 2014