The first rule about fight club is you don't talk about fight club.
In his debut novel, Chuck Palahniuk showed himself to be his generation's most visionary satirist. ?Fight Club's estranged narrator leaves his lackluster job when he comes under the thrall of Tyler Durden, an enigmatic young man who holds secret boxing matches in the basement of bars. There two men fight "as long as they have to." A gloriously original work that exposes what is at the core of our modern world.
Foxy’s Review:
1st RULE: You do not talk about FIGHT CLUB.
2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about FIGHT CLUB.
3rd RULE: If someone says “stop” or goes limp, taps out the fight is over.
4th RULE: Only two guys to a fight.
5th RULE: One fight at a time.
6th RULE: No shirts, no shoes.
7th RULE: Fights will go on as long as they have to.
8th RULE: If this is your first night at FIGHT CLUB, you HAVE to fight.
In the summer of 2014 Kim and I were discussing movies and she mentioned- Fight Club. Since I had never seen it she told me that I needed to see it to stay her friend. I searched for months trying to find it but not until the other day did I notice that HBO was showing it. I watched it right away.
WHOA!!! I knew nothing about this movie except for the title and the first two rules (who hasn’t heard that thrown around since the ’90’s). I just assumed it would be like Beautiful Disaster with fighting and romance. How naive of me to go into the movie thinking that because by the end of this one it BLEW MY MIND. I was so upset when I was done watching it because it was NOT like Beautiful Disaster and I was filled with questions. After bombarding Kim with all my questions I began searching online for answers and I learned that this was actually a book first and the ending in the book differs from the movie (but had the same general gist of the story).
For New Year’s 2014 Kim and I read The Bronze Horseman and we decided for New Year’s 2015 we would read Fight Club. I began searching the used bookstores around my area for a copy. I had envisioned finding a used SIGNED copy and mailing it to Kim. After searching three book stores my dreams were dwindling but on my fourth try I found one with used copies. They only had SIGNED copies which was exactly what I wanted. Unfortunately, they ranged from $200 to $400. Sorry, Kim, but I wasn’t able to get you a signed copy.
On New Year’s Eve my family and I headed to the coast for a seafood ‘linner’ (lunch and dinner). We swung by a used bookstore and came across the cassette tapes. YAY!!! Kim and I listened to this one and the audio was great.
Here is the thing about this book/movie… it was the author’s debut novel and became a cult favorite. The movie made it even more popular. There are some differences between the two but overall it’s a very close adaption of the book.
Fight Club is a Disturbing Love Story… One where the reader questions the sanity of the characters. Our nameless narrator meets a woman named Marla. She will change his life. They meet at one of the many support groups that they attend (which neither of them have a legit reason to attend). “Marla doesn’t have testicular cancer. Marla doesn’t have tuberculosis. She isn’t dying. Okay in that brain brain-food philosophy way, we’re all dying, but Marla isn’t dying the way Chloe was dying.”
Through the narrator’s pursuit of Marla he begins to unravel. “I knew this would happen,” Marla says. “You’re such a flake. You love me. You ignore me. You save my life, then you cook my mother into soap.”
Okay, I know it’s a far stretch for me to say that there is a love story within this disturbing book but even people with mental health issues can love someone. I know this book is more about anarchy and the working class wanting to be treated with respect. But since I’m a romance reader I’m sticking to the “love story” part of this book.
After watching the movie and reading the book I’m pretty grossed out about eating soup in a restaurant and using soap. If you’ve read the book or seen the movie you’ll get it.
The author graduated from my alma mater, University of Oregon (before I attended). He also lives in Portland, Oregon and the house from the movie was inspired from a house in Portland. For those who will watch the movie there are several famous people in the movie: Brad Pitt (Tyler Durden) | Edward Norton (narrator) | Meat Loaf (Bob Paulson) | Jared Leto (Angel Face).
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