Winnner Announced for FLASH #GIVEAWAY of The Mistake by @ElleKennedy @ninabocci

The mistake cover
Winners must be able to accept Kindle copies from Amazon US

To play… fill in the blank with the correct answer.  The quote and answer are taken from the book.  Take a guess on which one is the correct answer and leave your answer in the comments below along with an email you can be reached at (if you would rather not leave your email below please leave it on my facebook messages). At the end of the contest I will reveal the correct answer.  Among the correct answers  the winner will be picked by  ‘randomizer’.  Since this is a flash giveaway this contest won’t last long.  It will end on April 28th at 4 pm PST.  Winner will have until 9 am PST on April 29th to respond or a new winner will be chosen.

Grace from The Mistake

‘Maybe I’m naive, but I thought college would be different. I thought all the gossiping and backstabbing and bullshit ceased to exist once you left high school, but i guess mean girls can be found at any level of the education system. It’s like visiting a farm – if you go there not expecting to see piles of cow shit everywhere, then you’re in for a rude awakening. And there’s a good SAT question for you.
SCHOOL is to MEAN GIRLS as FARMS are to _______.


The Mistake releases on : 4/28/2015
Purchase ->  AMAZON
My review
 (will be live on 4/28/2015)

Number 3 is the correct answer

‘Maybe I’m naive, but I thought college would be different. I thought all the gossiping and backstabbing and bullshit ceased to exist once you left high school, but i guess mean girls can be found at any level of the education system. It’s like visiting a farm – if you go there not expecting to see piles of cow shit everywhere, then you’re in for a rude awakening. And there’s a good SAT question for you.
SCHOOL is to MEAN GIRLS as FARMS are to _______.

“Shit.  The answer to that is SHIT.”

Winner is Dee Swan.


Congratulations, Dee! Winner will have until 9 a.m. April 29th to  respond or a new winner will be chosen.”

Thank you, everyone, for playing along and I hope you enjoy the book when you read it. I had a fun time reading everyone’s answers.
Looking for more giveaways? Check out my GIVEAWAY page.

Enter each one to up your chances to win.


Author: Foxy

16 thoughts on “Winnner Announced for FLASH #GIVEAWAY of The Mistake by @ElleKennedy @ninabocci

  1. I think it’s funny to say “Shit” but I think the right answer is…animals (??) haha I hope if you go to a farm of course you’re going to get animals…and then shit LOL. Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

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