Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature created at The Broke and the Bookish where each week we’re given a new topic to create a top ten list.
Welcome to our 10th Top Ten Tuesday.
If you missed any of the TTT you can click here.
Our Favorite Books of 2015
What are your favorite books of 2015?
Sempre <3
Yes. Love that book. I read it 2012. So good ❤️
I really liked Sustained, too. So far that’s the only Emma Chase book I’ve read but I want to read more.
You’re in for a treat. She write great male characters.
Sustained is my favorite Emma Chase book to date.
I really enjoyed November 9 too. I have Sustained but I just need to get to it! Great list!
Thanks! Sustained is my favorite Emma Chase book to date. 🙂 <3
I hope you enjoy it too
Looks like you had a great reading year! I haven’t read any of these but the Colleen Hoover books looks really interesting.
Thanks! Yea, CoHo writes great stories!! <3