The Legal Brief

Stanton’s a man with a plan. And for a while, life was going according to that plan.
Until the day he receives an invitation to the wedding of his high school sweetheart, the mother of his beloved ten-year-old daughter. Jenny is getting married—to someone who isn’t him.
That's definitely not part of the plan.
Sofia Santos is a city-raised, no-nonsense litigator who plans to become the most revered criminal defense attorney in the country. She doesn’t have time for relationships or distractions.
But when Stanton, her "friend with mind-blowing benefits," begs her for help, she finds herself out of her element, out of her depth, and obviously out of her mind. Because she agrees to go with him to The-Middle-Of-Nowhere, Mississippi, to do all she can to help Stanton win back the woman he loves. Her head tells her she's crazy...and her heart says something else entirely.
What happens when you mix a one-stop-light town, two professional arguers, a homecoming queen, four big brothers, some Jimmy Dean sausage, and a gun-toting Nana?
The Bourbon flows, passions rise, and even the best-laid plans get overruled by the desires of the heart.
Foxy’s Review:
Emma Chase has the intriguing ability to portray the male psyche. In her last series ‘Tangled’ she gave us the very amusing Drew Evans pov. In this new series ‘The Legal Briefs’ her first book is about Stanton. I was amused by Stanton’s thought process too.
Beyond the fun of having the pov of Stanton I loved all the movie and song references. At one point I thought, “I should be keeping track of how many I noticed.” It was almost like a treasure hunt trying to see how many I could figure out. Some were obvious because they told you which movie it was from but others were subtle. Like this one, “I’m Holding Out for a Hero” song comes on right before a big race takes place in the book. Well, duh…that’s from the movie “Footloose” (circa 1984). If you were a child of the ‘80s you’ll know all the music and scenes from the movies. ♥
Stanton’s story starts in a small one street light Southern town. Everyone knows your business and has no qualms about giving you their advice. The hometown can’t hold Stanton because he’s destined for greatness. Even though, he leaves it behind he does have a very strong tie to it. His heart is there.
After college Stanton gets a job in a New York City firm as a criminal defense attorney aka a professional arguer. He has a casual friends with benefits type relationship with his co-worker,Sofia . The author does a great job with Sofia’s pov. She’s a strong female character that is good at putting Stanton in his place. A meek mouse she is not but instead a level-headed, supportive counterpart for Stanton.
I really enjoyed this sexy book. And can’t wait for the upcoming books. Ms. Chase has the market on writing the male’s pov.
RELEASE DATE: April 24, 2015
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GIVEAWAY: Paperback copy.
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**Complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.**