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This week I’m jumping back to 2012. I was new to Goodreads and had just started reading more fiction (normally I read non-fiction). I was looking through E.L. James reading list and saw that she loved On The Island. I’ve always been intrigued by what authors read. . . so I picked this one up and I loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
On June 3, 2012, I read On The Island by Tracy Garvis Graves. To this day it’s still one of my favorite books. When I get asked for a book recommendation I always say this one. I hope someday we’ll get to watch it on the big screen.
I have to admit I have read this book 4 times. The first time was after I saw E.L. James praise for this book. My second time was shortly after I finished it for the first time. That time My husband came home from work and found me crying. When he found out I was re-reading a book and I was bawling again… he just shook his head. I looked at him and told him that I was going to read it to him so he could see why I was crying.
Every night after we put the kids to bed we would snuggle up in bed and read this one.
He would read TJ’s parts and I read Ana’s. Our bed became the island.
Yes, my husband loved it!! He had a book hangover after we finished.
The fourth time was a re-read with my friend, KC. I was her moral support. If you haven’t read this one you really should. It’s a beautiful love story with forbidden romance in it. No worries . . . nothing happens between them when he’s underage.
•Purchase on Amazon•
Before you go make sure to stop by the Reading in the Red Room blog to see her “Time Warps.”
2 thoughts on “Time Warp Tuesday: On The Island by @tgarvisgraves ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ @KristinKC1”