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This week I’m jumping back to 2012. I had just started reading “romance” books and I was new to Goodreads. One of my real life friends called me and said, “Amy, you have to read Slammed. It’s the most amazing book.” So, I took her advice and read it. Since I was new to the romance genre I was new to all this angst. I was filled with so much rage for Will Cooper (see the review below) that I couldn’t enjoy the book like my friend did. My friend actually started attending Slammed Poetry events after reading this book. I wonder if I’d liked this book more now that 3 years has gone by and my reading taste have changed. Seeing how all my friend love it – I’m sure it would be a 5 star for me now.
On August 25, 2012, I read Slammed by Colleen Hoover. Which was the start of my love for CoHo books because her writing style jived with me.
3.5 stars!
The book was well written but my dislike for Will Cooper ruined the story for me.
I know I’m the only card carry member of the I HATE WILL COOPER FAN CLUB!
That’s okay. I’ll wave that flag high and proud.
Will Cooper
I couldn’t connect with him.
On their first date I thought their romance was going to be off the charts. But then he started pushing her away and distancing himself from her. It just frustrated me. Then he would make her think they had a chance to be together by making out with her but then withdraw from her. I wanted to run him over with my car (like she dreamed of doing with her jeep). I found him to be an absolute jerk.
By the end of the book I just wanted to
and I’m pretty sure I’ve never felt like doing that to any other character before. Yo-yoing with her feelings was totally uncool.
•Purchase on Amazon•
Before you go make sure to stop by the Reading in the Red Room blog to see her “Time Warps.”