Sea Breeze
Low broke Cage’s heart by getting with Marcus in Because of Low. Cage went into a tailspin that ended in a DUI. In order to salvage his baseball scholarship—the one thing he truly valued besides Low—Cage must take a summer job. At a farm. Away from Sea Breeze. With lots of cows, but no hot girls. Maybe that’s what Cage needs to get back on track.
But wait—there’s that hostile daughter of the farm boss. She’s pretty and occasionally sweet, and there seems to be a lot of sadness and mystery behind her anger. Cage is dying to strip her down—physically and mentally—in the back of the barn. But is he prepared for what will happen afterward?
Foxy's Review:
**4.5 Cage stars**
Apparently, I’m the last romance reader to read this steamy Abbi Glines book. 🙂 I had read book 2, Because of Low, in 2012 but never made it around to reading the others in this series. While browsing the local online library I saw this one was available as an audio download. Both a male and female read Cage and Eva’s parts. I know I’ve said it before but audios can be great because they allow you freedom to do other things while listening-> you can cook dinner, go on a walk, etc.
Listening to this story had me swooning over Cage. I can see why my friends loved him as a bad boy. When Cage meets Eva he finds himself transforming from a player to a better man who was both sweet and protective.
“I understood that pain was real and sometimes things didn’t last. Sometimes you just had to enjoy it while it lasts and cherish it when it’s gone.”-Eva
Book #9 is due out Oct. 2014 to find out when it is availableclick here.