Podcasts #4 for your listening pleasure


Below are some podcasts that I’ve recently listened to:


I recently went to breakfast with a friend who we both enjoy talking about podcasts that we’ve listened to.  He said that I should check out With Friends Like These because he thought I’d appreciate what this podcast was trying to do: have an open conversation between opposite sides on hot topics.

I’ve only listened to episode 1 but it definitely was a hot topic: “Hope and Trust in Trump.”

“Ana Marie Cox [host] talks with Pastor Christopher Jackson about why his Wisconsin community voted for Obama… before voting for Trump. She’s then joined by Jamil Smith of MTV News for a conversation about the big stories this week.”


The idea behind LISTENING to what the opposition has to say and having them LISTEN to your thoughts without attacking and bashing is what, I feel, we need more of.  We may never change how another person believes is the right choice but we can try to understand why they felt it was the right decision without name calling and degrading them can lead to a kinder co-existence.

To check out their playlist go here.


“Have you ever thought about decluttering your online spaces? Your computer? Your social media? Your email? Take a listen to these 12 tips on how to declutter your digital world!”

I know I can’t be the only one who has an over flowing inbox or a cluttered desk top.  Taylor, the Boss Girl, talks for about half an hour on how to clean up your online space.

To get inspired on cleaning up your online world listen here.  Taylor post her podcast Wednesday morning and Wednesday’s evening on her Facebook group she will do a live chat with her fans about that days podcast. Don’t miss out.



My friend, Kara, was sharing with me how she had listened to a Ted Talk about John Wooden. Her enthusiasm for Coach Wooden got me searching podcast so I could listen about his life too.

Wow, Coach Wooden was an extraordinary man. I listened to the 2-part series done by Tony Robbins. I’m definitely going to be searching podcast for more Coach Wooden interviews because I was enamored with his coaching style and his take on life.

To listen the interview go here.  Coach Wooden passed away in 2010 but his lessons are still relevant today.



Well, that’s it for now.

Let me know if you listen to any Podcast and if so which ones do you listen to.

Want more podcast to check out? Click here.




Author: Foxy

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