Hi everyone! I love looking at graphics created for books. A well done graphic can be a huge compliment to the author and enhance the review for the reader. The graphic craze reminds of the scrapbooking craze of the ’90s. Being able to express yourself through art is an incredible feeling.
Below are some graphics I wanted to share with you that have been created by my friends.
Click the graphic to see the original post the graphic belongs to and to read the blurb click the book title.
Flo at Coffee Addict Books made one of my favorite graphics for: Hearts of Fire.
Allison at Reading Escapade created this steamy graphic for Relinquish.
Lana at Dirty Girl Romance intrigued me with her sensual graphic for The Slayer. I’m determined to read a book by Kele Moon to see what inspired Lana to make these awesome graphics.
Katy at Slut Sistas created this purple graphic for Beautifully Brutal. The purple caught my eye right away. She has another purple graphic in the review.
Reanell at Book Babes Unite made this striking graphic for one of her favorite books: Off The Record.
Stephanie at Belgian Naughty Reader created this sexy graphic for the new release: Up in Smoke
Vrsha at Peek at My Book Reviews has such a beautiful way of expressing herself through her graphics. She made a copy of awesome graphics for The Law of Moses.
FMA at Feeding My Addiction created this striking graphic for The Contradiction of Solitude.
Christy at Book Babes Unite created this image for one of my favorite books in 2013: Eleanor & Park.
Kim at Reading in the Red Room made this beautiful purple graphic for Rooted.
Here is one of mine from Cement Heart. Yep, I love purple if you can’t tell. 🙂
Do you have a favorite graphic that you’ve made?
Share it in the comments.
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