Fan Art Friday is a weekly feature on Foxy Blogs.
I hope you enjoy this segment and if you missed last weeks click here.
Below are slideshows of the fan art done for each book.
Click the 'title' to see the original post the graphics belong to.
Kim @ Reading in the Red Room created this graphic for The New Hunger.
Jennifer created these graphics for Beneath Blood and Bone.
Brandi created this graphic for The Goodbye Man.
Lucia @Reading Is My Breathing created these graphics for Donners of the Dead.
Angy @ Collector of Book Boyfriend created this graphic for The House.
Vrsha @ Peek At My Book Review created these graphics for The Missing vol 1.
Lucia @Reading Is My Breathing created these graphics for On Demon Wings.
Kim @ Reading in the Red Room created these graphics for Dirty Promises.
Christie @ Smokin' Hot Book blog created these graphics for Nocte.
Here is one of mine from Halfway to the Grave